Protest? Vandalism?

Hajdu D András
Photo: Hajdú D. András
No, its not Paris couple of months ago. Its my lovely city, Budapest.:( You can see more photos here, and you can read my opinion on the events here. I just hate this.


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry this is happening in your country. Please stay safe!

Lisi said...

In Asia, there are political unrests in Thailand and Taiwan as well, I hope everything will return to normal in your city soon.

Kris said...

My student cried when she saw this yesterday. Hopefully everything will died down soon ..Take care!

Jing said...

I saw the news on cctv1 & cctv9. I hate this kind of scandal.
It reminds me think of those grafters in China. Many of the governor of CCP used the money taken from people as their own money, living extravagantly.
Hope everything there will be calm down, and those politicians think much more about the people!!

Randy said...

I was sad to hear this in the news yesterday. Hopefully it will all be over soon. Be careful out there.

Anonymous said...


alice said...

This is just awful. I don't follow news and had no idea till I saw this. Will keep up with it from now on. Terribly sorry, please stay safe and I hope things get better soon.

Kim said...

There were news reports with video coverage of these troubles even here on the west coast of the US last night. It showed a few individuals on foot running up to a line of police with shields, then being persued by police on horseback. Your photo captures the frightening violence of it all. Best wishes for the tensions and troubles to be worked out and resolved by peaceful means. Many are wishing you well!