National Museum

Day of Szilvia in Hungary. Yesss.....again my sister. Her birthday and nameday are very close to each other:) Happy name-day Szilva (thats how I call her). Its a Latin name means: forest
national museum The newly renovated National Museum. Till 1998 they kept here the crown of Hungary. But then the actual prime minister found the crown was not a part of our history but something which belongs to our recent he had brought it to the parliament building (maybe to wear it at night):)
But dont worry...there are still a lot to see in the National Museum.


Anonymous said...

grand building, i wander if one can take photos in the museum?

Olivier said...

Bonne fete à ta soeur.
ce musée est tres beau, la statue est magnifique.
tu as le droit de prendre des photos dans le musée ?

Happy spend with your sister. this museum is very beautiful, the statue is splendid. you have the right to take photographs in the museum?

Keropokman said...

if only we can have a look at a picture of the crown too! :-)

Lisi said...

LOL about your remarks about the prime minister wearing the crown at night...I bet he has to get a camera and try to figure out how to take his own portrait secretly...great building there...

JaamZIN said...

Jing's comment

P wish your sister happy day la~~~ mmm...still cant leave messages on your blog...i like this sculptures in front of the building....:P the national museum in China locates in beijing...not shanghai. :)

Carlos Lorenzo said...

Ok Zsoolt I have added you as a contact at Flickr too. I suppose the right one is Zsolt.-)
Great architecture. Your city is one of the most beautiful in this respect. No offense for some neighbouring countries which are great too.

Anonymous said...

Now that's a wonderful museum !
Love the meaning of your sisters name.. that's cool.. happy birthday to her ( or name day at least)

JaamZIN said...

thank you for the comments!

Jazzy, Olivier...if I remember well there is possible to take photos inside if you pay some extra money.

Keropok man, Lisi...I would be also happy to see a photo with that ex-prime minister having the crown on his head. When I will have the opportunity I will go to the parliament and I will take photos of the crown.

Carlos..thank you for adding me on Flickr. I added you too. And I enjoy to see your photos there:)

John..thank you in the name of my sis!

Anonymous said...

A very nice museum. It has a perfectly porportioned facade. I remember the inside was very nice too, but they charged an arm and a leg if you wanted to take pictures there.

Meg said...

Happy Happy name day, Silvia. (Ooops, it's my sister's birthday, too!)

Lara said...

a little bit late, but I hope Szilvia had a really nice name day!

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