Day of Dénes in Hungary. Its comming from the Greek name Dionysios which means: offered to Dionysus (the Greek god of wine and grappes).
The tramways No. 4-6 in Budapest are one of the most crowded lines in Europe. It goes along the Nagy körút and in the morning when one is in the stop you can see the next one coming from a little distance. But its not enough, it has always been crowded, full with students going to the University around 8am. Ohh yes..there are moments when I miss my car:)
I love this - you really get the feeling of being squashed in. Good job you managed to get your camera out and in position!
Wow, they are really packed in there! Sally's right, you really do get a feeling of actually being there, squished with everyone else.
Szolt, I really enjoy this kind of photography (your photografy). But I guess you didn't enjoy getting squashed :)
As they say around here: Good on you mate!
Keep it up
Best wishes
nice shot!!Zsolt~~
How did you do that?? :p Today I wanted to take a photo in a shopping mall, and the Security men didnt let me do that~~ :(
I dont know why...anyway,your photo looks great!!
And this can be seen everyday on the buses in Shanghai.
you should try singapore trains during peak hours. haha.. people push their way through, worse than sardines. LOL
great photo, but get a bike!
You are right Ham. Any time when its possible I ride my bike. But its getting colder I prepare myself for the public transportation:)
Jing..I remember how crowded Shanghai subway can be. I was thinking of it when I was on that tramway:)
Sally, was just a quick moment to take the photo. People even didnt realize:)
Lachezar..I really didnt enjoy it. But now seeing your comments I am happy I could share with you this photo.
Keropok man...I am ready to try the Singapore:)
Crowds or not, it makes me wish we had public transportation like this in the States. Only a few cities here really have good subways.
feeling claustrophobic - that is packed! Reminds me of the university shuttle in the morning
If we add 50 people and at least 10 surfboards in there, it gets pretty close to a bus in Rio de Janeiro at around 8am...
Nice picture... it brings me back good memories ;)
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